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When Minecraft Skins

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Warfare Calling

I operate on my own terms when creating this skin inspired by Call of Duty.
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Rebel Without a Cause

This outfit is donned by true rebels when facing perilous situations.
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Skeppy's New Look

When you head to skin customization, you'll find a familiar story with this skin. Discover Skeppy's new appearance!
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I created this skin during a time when I was feeling bored.
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The Screecher

This terrifying character is known for its ability to suddenly appear and startle unsuspecting players. Be prepared for a jump scare when The Screecher is around.
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When two sisters combine their powers, they create a mysterious "suit" of obsidian.
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My Custom Avatar

This skin is unique to me and represents my personal style in the game. It is the avatar that I choose to use whenever I play Minecraft.
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Ifrit the Assassin

Once a fearsome assassin, Ifrit met his end when he was struck by a boat.
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A Person Named Desmond

I will upload new skins whenever I have free time, feel free to leave your requests here.
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Skin Base Available

Please remember to give credit to me when using this skin base in your own creations. Thank you!
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Make sure to provide proper credit when posting or modifying this skin.
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The Irish Fairy

I didn't add the shading to the skin until later when I was more experienced.
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A Blaze in October

Skintober day falls on October 30th, when fiery creations light up the Minecraft world.
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Reminder for the Story Contest

Remember to add a boop in the description when you click on show more.
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Kaeya's Adventure

When I have some free time, I enjoy creating new skins inspired by Kaeya. Explore new looks and styles with this fun adventure skin!
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Pink soldier

Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the soldier skins were no longer up to date.
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A girl in distressed denim

I created this skin when I was feeling indecisive and just went with a girl wearing ripped jeans.
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Friday Night Funkin Boyfriend Skin

When I was feeling a bit bored, I decided to create a skin based on the character Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin. This skin captures his iconic style and is perfect for any fan of the game.
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Outline Only

This skin features only the outline of a character, giving a unique and minimalist look when playing Minecraft.
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I enjoy hearing the buzzing of bumblebees whenever you call my name.
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Freddy's Fun Time

Where can you find the birthday boy, and when?
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Double-sided Fairytail Fanboy Blue Hoodie

When searching for a Fairytail skin, I couldn't find one that really captured the essence of the show, so I decided to create my own unique design. The result is this double-sided hoodie skin that showcases my love for Fairytail.
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The timeless maestro willdo

Maestro purchased Minecraft when he was just eleven years old, back in the early days of alpha 1.2.3.
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Childhood Nickname

JohnnyMgee is the nickname I went by when I was younger.
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Feeling completely drained and ready for a nap, this skin shows a character with heavy eyelids and drooping posture. The perfect choice for when you're feeling worn out in the game.
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The Remastered Batman: Damian Wayne Edition

When Bruce Wayne and Nightwing tragically pass away, Damian Wayne steps up to become the new Batman, taking on the responsibility of protecting Gotham City. This skin captures DamianWayne's interpretation of the iconic superhero with a modern twist.
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Jayde Fursona Skin

This skin is available for use, but please be sure to give credit to the creator when doing so.
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Recreating my initial skin creation

When I was about 9 years old, I created my very first skin in Minecraft. Now, I am remaking it to see how much I have improved and evolved as a skin creator.
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AlexBrine: A Human Avatar

Keep an eye out for me when you're on the server, and don't forget to browse through my collection of other skins.
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Rockstar_Gamer_42 showcasing their achievements

Who needs fairies when you can be the ultimate gamer champion?
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Wiffle Warrior

This warrior is equipped with a wiffle ball bat, ready to take on any opponent. Be warned, his true power is revealed when the overlay is removed, allowing him to unleash his full potential.
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Create Your Own Happiness

When asked what brings joy to my life, I find it hard to pinpoint just one thing. So I created this skin as a reminder that happiness is something we can create for ourselves.
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Batman Doesn't Wear a Cape

This skin is inspired by the iconic superhero Batman. Who needs a cape when you have the Dark Knight's powerful presence and stealthy skills? Get ready to protect Gotham City in style with this sleek and stylish skin.
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Naruto Uzumaki Mode

When the jinchriki of the Nine-Tails tap into the Kurama Chakra Mode, they undergo a powerful and unique transformation.
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The Darkened Withered

When I created this skin, I was inspired by shadowy and withered animations.
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Tulip Olsen

When using my skins as a base, please remember to give credit to me.
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Tiny World Attire

For optimal use, select slim mode when using this small world themed outfit.
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Coughing Contagion

Make sure to cover your mouth and nose with your arm when coughing to prevent spreading germs. Stay safe and remember to wash your hands regularly.
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Rainbow Dino Girl

A small derp face is visible when looking up on this colorful dinosaur-themed skin.
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Overalls Base 1.1

When creating a skin using this base for uploading onto any website, remember to credit me using my usernames.

whitehalloweenteengreenbrownhumanjeansdemonhoodieflowerpokemonsweaterawesomeflowersendermanskeletonaestheticbrown hairredemo