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When Minecraft Skins

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D20 Formal Retirement

D20 is the latest addition to the Formal Attire series, perfect for when your Minecraft character is ready to retire in style.
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The protector of the environment

She possesses the ability to connect with all animals, with a special affinity for birds. When nobody is watching, she diligently cares for the forest.
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The Gamepad

The delivery man grins when people comment on the unusual name of the gamepad, not realizing his hidden identity, and the villain is caught off guard by Evelyn using the gamepad to send pizza to prison.
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My Favorite Skin

This skin makes me feel confident and attractive whenever I wear it.
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The Observer

When his eyes meet yours, fear grips your heart and you let out a scream.
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Art Request: Pikachu for Xx HikarixX

I created a Pikachu skin for Xx HikarixX as requested, please adhere to all skindex rules when using this skin.
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Another Winning Skin

When sharing this skin, please remember to credit me for the unique and playful addition of a dog tail, giving this character the appearance of a lovable canine companion.
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Day and Night Harmony

During the day, Steve's peaceful existence is preserved as he roams around in his iron armor. However, when night falls, chaos reigns as a Mutant Creeper tries to disrupt the peace.
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No More Chips

This skin features a character who is disappointed because they have run out of chips. They have a sad expression on their face and are holding an empty bag. The design showcases their love for snacks and their disappointment when they run out.
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Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon

This skin features a head that says 'Pink' when spun around and 'Floyd' when viewed from above, inspired by the iconic song by Pink Floyd.
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Camouflage Dirt

This skin allows you to blend in with your surroundings, making you virtually invisible to other players when hiding.
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Royal Guard of the Dark Elf Kingdom

The dark elves loyal to their leaders are tasked with protecting them. When the blue moon rises, the royal guards wield mighty swords and ride griffons into battle.
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Dan Tdm's Female Alter Ego

I specialize in creating female skins, but when it comes to male characters, I love to add a twist and genderbend them into unique creations!
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A Year of SkinDEX

Oh boy, time flies when you're having fun! Celebrate a whole year on SkinDEX with this skin.
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Red-Eyed Stone Guardian

When the Stone Guardian's eyes glow red, they become even more formidable and deadly in battle.
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Robin Injustice 2

When using my skins, please provide credit.
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Sweater Weather

When the temperatures drop, keep warm with ear muffs and a cozy sweater in this winter-themed skin.
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Pool Party Swimsuit

Stay cool and stylish at the pool party by wearing this swimsuit. And don't forget your sunglasses for when the sun gets too hot!
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Random Diamond Rainbows

When you put on this skin, prepare to rock some stylish pants that will have everyone in the world of Minecraft turning their heads in envy.
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Santa Claus in Male Form

Ever wondered what Santa Claus looks like when he's not wearing his red suit and delivering gifts on Christmas Eve? This skin provides a glimpse into the everyday life of the beloved holiday figure.
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The alternative St3ve - Mandela Edition

Please give credit when sharing or posting this skin online.
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The Magma cube is on fire

Whenever I need to make a costume, I can use the base for a Molten skin.
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A creature

I am proud of this creation, as it pushed me to try something new. Feel free to use it, but please credit my username when sharing.
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Summer Daydreams Await

Remember to always credit the original creator when using their work.
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Uganda Remake

Make sure to reference the original skin when creating your own version.
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I plan on creating a revised edition of this skin when I have more energy.
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Yuki as Sohma

This skin looks even more amazing when you see it in action within the game.
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Bacon Cake Lover

This skin shows my love for bacon and cake. I enjoy indulging in these delicious treats whenever I can.
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Camouflage Tree

This skin is designed to help you blend in with your surroundings, making you nearly invisible when not moving.
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The Peach Fire Flower

This skin is inspired by Peach's costume change when she collects the Fireflower power-up in Super Mario 3D World, featuring a white and red color scheme.
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ASFJerome Skin

When thinking of a new skin, ASFJerome is the first person that comes to mind.
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When the sun sets, the trolls come out to play.
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Female Character

Original design created by the rightful owner. Give credit when using.
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The CE Marine is predominantly unshaded

This skin showcases my standard level of detail when I have free time.
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Why was the person not contacted via email?

I only fulfill specific requests when I choose to do so.
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The cute cat girl skin

I was inspired by various skins when creating this adorable cat girl design, and I am very pleased with the final result.
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scientific research

When conducting experiments in the lab, it's crucial to have the necessary equipment and safety gear, like gloves and goggles, to work with potentially hazardous materials like gaster.
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Mari, Your Companion

I will always be by your side for support and companionship whenever you need me.
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My Original Character's Interpretation of Violet Evergarden

When I was feeling bored and lonely, I decided to create a Minecraft skin based on my original character's take on Violet Evergarden.
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SCP-007 Base

When using this base in your game, please make sure to credit me for creating it. Thank you!

whitehalloweenteengreenbrownhumanjeansdemonhoodieflowerpokemonsweaterawesomeflowersendermanskeletonaestheticbrown hairredemo