Browse the very best Vita Minecraft skins on SkinsMC- the best Minecraft skins directory. Download, save, and use your favorite Vita skins!

Vita Minecraft Skins

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Twilight's Embrace

Twilight's beauty is both a blessing and a curse, as it simultaneously consumes and revitalizes me.
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The Original Skin

The Stupendous Spoderman possesses a mysterious ability to levitate without swinging or jumping. He silently hunts down his prey with a power that is difficult to understand.
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The Red Priest of Doom

Prepare yourself for inevitable doom as you are watched by the crazed and malevolent gaze of the Red Priest.
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Original Ice Skin

A revitalized version of the ice skin.
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Sophia's Masked Appearance

This skin features Sophia wearing a mask with a pig-tail made of levitating hearts. Sophia is known for being a Bless-based player in the game.
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Waiting for Death in the Waiting Room

A boy sitting inside a church, contemplating the passage of time and the inevitability of death.
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This skin features a freestar design with Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam vitae est sit amet mi semper molestie. Sed quis pellentesque tortor, a lobortis sapien. In lacus lorem, tincidunt vel lacus sit amet, hendrerit gravida sem. Maecenas felis risus, condimentum eu vulputate eu, pharetra laoreet lectus. Ut rhoncus erat felis. Nulla eget arcu hendrerit, egestas eros nec, pulvinar massa. Duis consequat felis ut ex dignissim fringilla. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam at mauris euismod, euismod dui et, eleifend urna. Curabitur at velit posuere, sodales mi et, posuere felis. Proin libero mauris, congue vel sodales nec, aliquam vel lectus.
Image of 3d skin

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