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Shading Minecraft Skins

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Remodeled Persona

Enhanced shading and detail bring a fresh look to my Minecraft persona.
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Nighttime sprinter

I incorporated shading methods into the design originally created by vude119.
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Shiny Girl

I enhanced the hair and shading of the Charmander Girl skin for a more polished look.
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Enhanced Fen Rex

Hopefully, the shading on this updated Fen Rex skin is much improved compared to the original.
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A revamped Cookie God skin

This skin is a fresh take on the Cookie God design, with updated details and improved shading. Perfect for any Minecraft player who wants to channel their inner sweetness.
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Yellow Aesthetic

While I ask that you don't replicate my design completely, feel free to use this skin as inspiration for your own shading techniques.
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Leafeon RCE

This skin does not include shading for animals, Pokemon, or similar creatures.
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Blueo Human Skin

Blueo agreed when I asked for a simple shading of him in human form.
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Not a fan of furries

A simple update to improve the shading.
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An Angry Man

I opted not to include additional shading on the torso due to the slow performance of my computer.
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Concern for Whitecat's Wellbeing

Utilized a base for hair design due to lack of motivation for shading.
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Secret Horns and Heavenly Feathers

Apologies for the imperfect shading, but it may still serve its purpose as a logo.
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Turkey Day Contest Entry

This skin was created specifically for the reshading contest. It features a unique design for the Thanksgiving holiday.
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Star Wars Hero

Inspired by Lxnacorn's shading technique, this skin is based on the iconic character "Luke Skywalker" from the Star Wars movie franchise. Stay tuned for more Star Wars themed skins in the future!
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Shading Kazuha's clothing was a difficult and emotional experience for me.
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leshawna is unshaded

This skin features Leshawna without any shading on her pixelated body. She looks simple and flat, allowing for a more minimalist look in the game.
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The bunny girl version has glitches

The shading on this skin is not very good and was originally made for a different round.
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Adorable Plaid Girl

This skin features a similar design but with unique colors and shading to create a fresh look.
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Junpei's Unique Skin

This skin features a unique design with no shading, distinguishing it from the persona 3 character it was inspired by.
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Glowing Sun

Experimenting with a unique hair shading technique
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Seven days of roses

This skin is open for editing, shading, and reposting as long as credit is given or tagged.
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Crumb Cake

This skin features the heaviest shading I have done so far, but it gives a nice and detailed look.
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Short-haired Hekmatyar

Due to potential blending issues, I opted for short hair on this character. Apologies for any inconsistencies in shading techniques used on this skin.
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Deep Blue Skies

Participate in the 75 Follower Reshading Contest hosted by
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Not a Failure

Redoing all my skins to improve hair shading, making them look awesome!
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Blooming in Shadows

This skin features delicate shading to give it a light and graceful appearance, perfect for those who appreciate subtle beauty in their Minecraft avatar.
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Flannel Vest Style

A stylish flannel vest with lavender shading and adorable jeans designed by PsychoGirl112233
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The culprit is Ink Sans

The cape is positioned below the pants and features subtle shading on the legs.
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The royal purple princess

Check out this handcrafted dress with intricate shading for a regal look fit for a princess.
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shaded shadow

I am creating a new skin for Minecraft called "shaded shadow." This skin will have a darker, more shadowed appearance compared to the traditional shadow skin. It will feature a simple color palette with minimal shading for a sleek and mysterious look.
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Sona's Ocean Adventure

My shading skills have been lacking recently.
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Not very active lately

Experimenting with a different shading technique, apologies if it appears untidy.
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Shaded Lassie

Experimenting with different shading techniques for a unique look on Lassie.
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Observing the Moon

This skin features a character gazing up at the glowing moon in the night sky, with intricate details and shading to bring the scene to life.
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Ending the Harassment with a Reshaded Skin

After reshading my skin, my friends finally stopped harassing me about it not being the right turtle skin. Now I can go back to enjoying my time in Minecraft in peace.
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Ironheart's Melony Finale

Create a skin without hair shading for easy editing opportunities.
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Aphmau Plus

I am experiencing pain in my hand and prefer not to have shading in my design.
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King of Riches

I plan on creating a more detailed and intricate version of this skin with shading effects.
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Piper Mclean Red High Tops

I decided to try shading for the first time in a while to capture the image of Piper wearing red high tops. I am really happy with how this skin turned out and proud of the result.
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Young bear cub

Continuing to refine shading techniques.

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