Browse the very best Modified Minecraft skins on SkinsMC- the best Minecraft skins directory. Download, save, and use your favorite Modified skins!

Modified Minecraft Skins

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Finn the Human

This skin features a modified version of the iconic character Finn from Adventure Time.
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Kris 3

I modified the base skin by trimming the hair and updating the color palette.
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The Wallibear Hoodie in Blue

I modified the original black outfit to be blue, creating The Wallibear Hoodie Blue Outfit Skin.
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Pizza Mmm Edited Skin

This skin is a modified version of the Unknownpizza skin, featuring a delicious pizza design.
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Purple Checkers

This skin is a modified version of the original purple Ness skin, featuring purple checkered patterns.
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Edited One Direction Fangirl

This skin is a modified version of the original "One Direction Fangirl" design.
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A Touch of Olive

This skin is under the NonComm.NoDerivs license, which means it cannot be modified without permission. It is part of the Attrib. family of skins.
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A White Bird

This skin is a modified version of the "Revenge of Duolingo" skin, with a white bird theme.
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Changes to Gogy

Modified because George could not be located.
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Lucinda Remix - a musical rendition

Delight in this modified version of my original Lucinda skin, inspired by music.
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Dark Wedding

This skin is a modified version of bubble2004's wedding dress skin. Click here to see the original skin.
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The Adventurer

I modified an Ittle Dew skin to create this unique explorer skin with a new color palette.
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Adorable Female

A modified version of a character skin.
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Meet Malin

For my character in a story, I modified my eye color to match their persona.
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Colorful Tom Boy

A modified version of a male character with vibrant colors.
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A Pink and Yellow Girl

I modified my leopard girl skin by adding pink eyes to it. I hope you enjoy the new look and I am aiming for it to receive 2 likes.
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Edited Blue LA Guy

This skin features a modified version of the classic Blue LA Guy design.
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Dino's Alter Ego

I do not claim ownership of the original skin I have modified.
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The Garbage Crew

This skin has been modified from the FTP skin.
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Zedaph's Redesigned Skin

I decided to create a modified version of Zedaph's skin for players to enjoy. However, I wasn't satisfied with the color choices used in the original design.
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She may make you feel nervous

It was modified from mochhi!
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Customized Variant

This skin has been modified and tailored to fit your preferences. Enjoy a unique look on your Minecraft character with this customized variant skin.
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Japanese Samurai

This skin has been modified to resemble a traditional Japanese Samurai warrior.
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Beerus X Baldski

This skin features a modified version of Baldski with Beerus-inspired elements added to it.
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Zackariah, the Canis

I modified the skin color of my previous character to an orange-brown hue to better match the theme I had in mind. I believe this change speaks for itself.
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A Lovely Little Cutie

This skin is a modified version, it is not an original creation.
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The Purple Guy

This skin is a modified version of the character known as the man behind the slaughter, featuring a purple color scheme.
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Peaches in Black and Yellow

A modified version of Peach's outfit inspired by the color scheme of black and yellow fruit. This skin would be a unique and eye-catching addition to any Super Smash Bros. game.
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Female Buzz Lightyear

This skin is a modified version of the Buzz Lightyear character to resemble a female version of me.
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Mega Lucario with Headband

This skin was inspired by Lucario and modified with a headband and changed eye color from oZein's design.
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Scout RED from Team Fortress 2

I modified the skin to improve its accuracy.
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An Altered Appearance

This skin has been modified to showcase a unique look, perfect for standing out in the world of Minecraft.
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Yui's Revised Look

Yui's character is inspired by the anime Diabolik Lovers. This skin is a unique and modified version of her original appearance. Enjoy a fresh take on this iconic character in Minecraft!
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Another Skin Creation

I modified the original skin and acknowledged JazzyyJazz as the original creator.
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Lavi Bookman's Unique Look

This skin features a modified eye patch and adjusted eye size for a fresh, new appearance.
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Kuromi Among Us Black

This skin is a modified version of the Among Us character, with the black color replaced with Kuromi's iconic colors. It was created as a gift for a friend.
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Inkless Girl

Modified version of a skin without a girl present
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Santa Rainbow Derp

This skin is a modified version of a well-known character.
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Another Round of Edits

This skin has been modified once more. Please note that I do not claim ownership of the original skin.
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The TBRRbrianna Skin

This skin is a modified version of Bri's original skin.
