Browse the very best Little Minecraft skins on SkinsMC- the best Minecraft skins directory. Download, save, and use your favorite Little skins!

Little Minecraft Skins

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A Mushroom Girl

This skin was created as a counterpart to littleshroobz's boy mushroom2, featuring a female character adorned with mushrooms.
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Fuzzy Friend

Hey little ones, who wants to have some fun with me?
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Apple Bloom Mod Skin

This skin features a modified version of Apple Bloom from My Little Pony. Get ready to explore the world of Minecraft with this adorable character skin!
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The Terminator

Meet Sayonara, the little baby version of the legendary Terminator character. Give her a try and show off your killer instincts in the world of Minecraft!
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Princess Celestia

Is the release date of the movie about a little girl and her pony confirmed yet?
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Kelly's Utilization

Designed for Little Kelly to enable more functionality and versatility.
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Updated Spiderman Skin

LittleLiamGames requested a refreshed version of this skin for Spiderman.
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The Crazy Boy

This skin features a boy who is full of energy and excitement, making him appear a little bit wild and crazy.
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Froggy the Green Tree Frog

This adorable little frog skin is inspired by the Australian green tree frog. Jump into your next Minecraft adventure with this cute amphibian companion!
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Boxed 2.0 in San Francisco

This skin features Fia as your adorable little character.
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Team 7 Shinobi Sakura

Sakura, a member of Team 7, was thrust into the world of shinobi with little preparation, facing the challenges and responsibilities that come with it.
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A Mini Russian Land

Redesign of InTheLittleWood's Red Life" created by LittleJam.
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Adorable Infant Female

A sweet and precious skin of a baby girl, with pink cheeks and a cute little outfit. Perfect for players who want to look cute and lovely in the world of Minecraft.
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Quack Quack

Feeling a little ducky today and looking to shake things up in Minecraft with this new skin. Let's quack some blocks!
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A Cute Hoodie Girl for the Solar Eclipse

Creating a sweet little hooded girl skin in honor of the solar eclipse happening today.
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AppleBloom EG

This skin is inspired by the character AppleBloom from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls.
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Displeased with the Color Adjustment

While playing on singleplayer, I spent 30 minutes scrutinizing this creation, noticing every little error I had made.
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Child of the Underworld

She may look innocent, but don't be fooled by her angelic appearance - this little girl is the offspring of Satan himself.
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Ratboy Genius Dreams Skin

This skin features the main villain of Little King John, Ratboy Genius Dreams.
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A Pinkie Pie in Minecraft

Get ready for some friendship and fun with this adorable Pinkie Pie skin! Inspired by the popular My Little Pony character, this skin will add a touch of sweetness to your Minecraft world. So grab your party hat and cupcakes, because Pinkie Pie is here to spread joy and cheer!
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Relax, Oikawa

This skin is based on Littledinotrash.
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A Mischievous Troublemaker

Displaying a rebellious attitude and mischievous grin, this skin is sure to make a statement wherever you go in the world of Minecraft. Play as the ultimate bad boy and cause a little chaos in style.
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Joyful Sailor

The cheerful little orange creatures stumbled upon the sailor suit.
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Newly Elegant

Make sure to add a little touch of mystery by revealing more of this skin.
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Adorable female child

Little kelly sports a lovely flower in her hair.
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The lunatic ladies

These ladies are wild and free-spirited, ready to take on any adventure in the Minecraft world. They might be a little crazy, but they're also sure to bring a lot of excitement to your gameplay.
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The Mysterious Duo

This skin features the iconic characters from the Little Nightmares video game series, bringing them to life in Minecraft with their unique and eerie designs.
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Mini Me

A cute and tiny version of myself, perfect for exploring Minecraft as a little adventurer.
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Tony Montana Skin

Introducing the iconic Tony Montana skin from the movie Scarface. Show off your inner gangster with this intimidating look. Say hello to my little skin!
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Bob's Cute Family

A wholesome skin featuring Bob surrounded by his adorable little ones. Perfect for any family-themed Minecraft adventures!
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RQ for AschScratcher

I have completed all the trades, except for the last one with the little potato.
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The L'Manburg Girl

A skin designed for those who put in a little extra effort.
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Adorable Jenny

I'm excited to meet Little Jenny.
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The sunny melon man

This sunny melon man is not a fan of being eaten by little children, but he does add a delightful touch to anything he's a part of.
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A Hilarious Block Party

Join the fun with this light-hearted and whimsical skin that will make you the life of the block party. Show off your sense of humor and creativity with this playful and colorful design. Perfect for any Minecraft player looking to bring a little joy and laughter to their gameplay.
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The Sinister Gengar

Is Gengar feeling a little bit grumpy?
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Silly Feeling

This skin may be a little simple, but I was determined to create another one before the day ended.
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Abbyy Maid

Little_Abbyy is now my new identity in the virtual world of gaming.
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This skin brings a touch of bad luck and mischief to your Minecraft character. With dark colors and an ominous vibe, this skin is perfect for sneaky players who like to cause a little chaos.
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Introverted Individual

A character inspired by the furry creatures of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls with a shy demeanor.
