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Lays Minecraft Skins

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VannaMelon: The Fluttershy Let's Player

Meet VannaMelon, a content creator who specializes in making Let's Plays featuring the beloved character Fluttershy. Get ready to embark on enchanting adventures and explore the Minecraft world from a whole new perspective.
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Hot Guy

This skin features a handsome male character with a fiery aesthetic. Let everyone know that this guy is hot, both in looks and in the way he plays the game.
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This skin plays with contrasts by featuring both black and white elements. The white cotton details stand out against the black background, creating a striking and unique look.
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Castle Guardian

This skin depicts the guard who plays a crucial role in Artsy's story "Forget," receiving a letter from Princess Natalia at the castle.
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This skin featuring Chell is perfect for immersive roleplays in the world of Minecraft.
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Baby with Long Socks

A character with long socks and a giant hair that resembles the famous YouTuber Preston Plays.
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Rogue of Ps4 Mag

This skin portrays a sneaky and clever player who excels in combat on the PlayStation 4 version of the game. Beware of their tricks and deceptive tactics in battle.
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Kastor in the Galactic War

This skin was created by replicating the design from an animated series and refining it with overlays.
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My name is Cherrykitty

Unfortunately, I can't use this skin on PlayStation as I exclusively play on Bedrock Edition.
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Madness Combat Savior Skin

This skin features the main villain from the first five episodes of the series, known as The Savior. He plays a major role in the storyline and is a formidable adversary to the protagonist. Get ready to bring chaos and combat to your Minecraft world with this intense skin.
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Luka Doni - Dallas Mavericks Player

Luka Doni is a professional basketball player who currently plays for the Dallas Mavericks in the NBA.
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The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

I spotted this design in a video by the popular Minecraft YouTuber Unspeakable plays.
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A Mysterious Cry

This skin draws inspiration from DoggyPlaysGamer and features a mysterious cry similar to that of momo.
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Playz: The Player

Are you a fan of Preston's plays?
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The Ruined Monarch

Viego, once a powerful king, now stands in ruins as he plays a game in his new form.
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A fresh style for Stacy

I have created a unique hairstyle for Stacy Plays.
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Tara White, the fictional character

This skin is inspired by the sci-fi/fantasy novel Thilirias Throne, where Tara White plays a prominent role. Get ready to explore the futuristic world of Thilirias with this unique skin!
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Arcane Hunter

This skin represents a fearless warrior who hunts down all the evil forces and slays them with magical powers. Inspired by the mystical world of Thaumcraft.
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A Canadian named Kermit

A combination of BajanCanadian and KermitPlaysMC.
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Recursive Person

This skin features a character that appears to be repeating infinitely, creating a recursive effect. The design plays with the idea of a person saying something over and over again, creating a mesmerizing visual pattern.
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Karl Maid Recolor

This skin is a recolored version of the base maid skin, perfect for maidgameplays.
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No Overlay Necessary

This skin is designed without any overlays or extra textures, making it clean and simple for a minimalist look in Minecraft.
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Master Chief Spartan

Feel the power as the theme music plays for the ultimate warrior, the Master Chief Spartan.
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Paul Stanley from Kiss

Paul Stanley plays rhythm guitar for the legendary band KISS.
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The Stickman

Mark always brings a smile to his face whenever he plays Murder Mystery.
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FamousGamer Skin Pack

This skin features a popular gamer who plays bed wars, egg wars, and other games alongside their spouse.
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Enderian Skin

This custom skin was created for a friend who plays as an Enderian character in our Minecraft world.
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Mad Cow Madness

This skin is inspired by Ryan Haywood's iconic beast from his Mad King Let's Plays in Minecraft.
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Boy and His Wolf

Watch as this young boy frolics and plays with his loyal wolf companion in this adorable Minecraft skin.
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Sally shows her face

Sally, a character in Minecraft, proudly displays her face on this skin. She is ready to explore and conquer the virtual world with her unique appearance. Get ready to stand out in the game with this eye-catching skin!
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Technomage Observer

This skin features a technomage wearing goggles and a labcoat. The labcoat displays various colors representing different magical mods, showcasing the technomage's expertise in technology and magic.
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The Attackers

A fierce and aggressive skin for those who prefer a more offensive playstyle in Minecraft.
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Yandere Chan

The protagonist plays the role of a yandere character.
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Female RP Addy

This skin was created for my friend who plays on a server. It is meant to be the female version of the roleplay character Addy.
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Gender Identity

Displays the gender identity of the character.
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Follow Battleborn for Updates

This skin was custom made for a friend of mine who exclusively plays on the Nintendo Switch platform.
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Spider-Man 2 PS5: Enhanced Suit

This new skin features an upgraded suit for Spider-Man based on the one from the PlayStation 5 game.
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Seagull's Feather

Famous for its Dory arm design, this skin was discovered by Pocplays.
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Scarox93 - Season 8 Staff

This character proudly displays the word "staff" on his back and sports a prominent "8" on his robe.
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Annie Cresta Skin

This skin is inspired by the character Annie Cresta from the movie Mockingjay, part of The Hunger Games series. Annie is a brave and resilient character who plays a significant role in the story. Wear this skin to embody her courage and strength in the world of Minecraft.

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