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Ix Minecraft Skins

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Froggie Boy's Credit to Cryqlixx

I created this skin to match the froggie boy and froggie girl skins.
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The Caveira in Rainbow Six Siege

This skin is not for sale. Please do not attempt to sell it.
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Fix for Xx_UFAsriel_Xx's Mustache and MLG Glasses

Includes a mustache and MLG glasses for your Minecraft character.
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Mix of Popular Characters

This skin features a combination of well-known characters such as slender man, rake, jeff, ben, sonic exe, herobrine, and SCP 173.
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The Fixed Foxy Girl

I have corrected a small mistake in this skin design. Now it is perfect for anyone to use.
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Ikki Fenix

No description provided for this skin.
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Pixel Art Birthday

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Doctor Lady Fix

The design was borrowed and then modified to create this skin.
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Fixed Vest

After my friend didn't like the original design, I made some changes to this vest skin to improve it.
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Pixilated Masterpiece

Greetings fellow gamers!
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Updated Deer Girl skin with fixes

A character design of a girl with deer features
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Fixing Michael Myers

Only the front of the skin has been updated.
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Reshiram remix

Reshiram's orange flames have been transformed into a vibrant purple hue when it gets heated up.
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Fix for the Ewok Hat

A correction has been made to the Ewok hat on this skin. It now resembles the original design more accurately.
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Fixed ABA

This skin does not have a description.
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A mix of laughter and tears

This skin is truly epic with its combination of both laughing and crying elements. It's sure to make a statement in the Minecraft world.
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Six Mysterious Objects

Reveal the secrets of these intriguing items.
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Hypixel Unstable Dragon

This skin is a recreation of the original Dragon skin made by wolflegend9923.
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A Pixelated Introvert

This skin features a blocky design with muted colors. The character appears shy and mysterious, with a minimalistic appearance.
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Wedding Dress Remix

A modified version of the classic wedding dress skin, featuring unique details and embellishments. Stand out on your special day with this elegant and one-of-a-kind design.
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Marcus Fenix

A new skin inspired by the iconic hero from the Gears of War franchise.
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Content Creator BIXU

This skin embodies the essence of a dedicated content creator, with dynamic colors and intricate details that showcase the passion for creating engaging content.
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Fixing the bonnet

Updated the eyes, but decided to keep the rest as is.
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robotic steampunk mixologist

Inspired by the work of potyk090, this skin features a unique steampunk robot design perfect for serving up drinks in style.
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Mixed Bag of Fandoms

This skin is a combination of various fandoms including Undertale, My Hero Academia, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Five Nights at Freddy's, video games, food, books, Harry Potter, School, and My Hero Academia. It's a unique blend of different themes and interests.
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This skin has a textured appearance rather than a smooth one.
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Fixed Monkey

This skin has been updated and improved to better showcase the Monkey character. The design is now more refined and detailed, creating a more realistic appearance in-game.
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Fixing the Emerald Girl

A character with a combination of brown and blonde hair is adorned in a hoodie featuring a vibrant emerald on the front.
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Fixing the Wolf

The backwards paws have been corrected on this Minecraft skin.
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Blaze King Remix

A customized skin featuring the person's name on cookies.
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The Slim Fix by Nakano

No description provided.
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Fixed Springtrap

This updated version of the Springtrap skin features repaired and restored animatronic details, perfect for your next adventure in the world of Minecraft. Get ready to scare your friends with this revamped look!
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Siege of Six Colors

I believe so.
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Pixelated Moo

This skin was created as an entry for a contest hosted by PxmpknPie.
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Fixing Alice

This skin is inspired by the character Alice from Twilight. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
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Orange Remix

Click on "show more" for more options
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Soeyh Christmas Remix

This skin is a festive twist on Soeyh's original Christmas skin design.
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A Dream in Pixel

This skin is a blank canvas for your imagination to transform into anything you desire. Let your dreams come to life in the world of Minecraft.
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Kaycat Jack's Frost Fix

I made some adjustments to correct some errors and improve the overall look.
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Emotions Mixed

This skin features a character displaying both a laughing and crying expression simultaneously.

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