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Ix Minecraft Skins

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JJBA Remix

I customized Canirita's original Wamuu Skin to create my own unique version.
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A Collaboration with Winter Phoenix!

Please refrain from altering or reloading my skin.
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Fixed Perfection

A minor mistake has been corrected in this flawless design.
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Pixie Yui from SAO

This skin is inspired by the character Yui from SAO. It is my own interpretation of the character in Minecraft form.
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Melody of Tf2: Doctor Remix

Tracy's unique and original designs for this Minecraft skin inspired by the popular song "Tf2.
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Ruins Adventurer Remix

I aimed to create a unique twist on the traditional Ruins Adventurer skin with this edit.
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A goat with a mix of white and colored hair

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Aphmau Remix

This skin is inspired by Aphmau's original design, but with a unique color palette.
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rainbow six siege

Tachanka, known as The Lord, hails from the Siege.
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Mellohi Ranboo Remix

This skin is a unique remake inspired by the song Mellohi. It features vibrant colors and intricate details that make it stand out in the world of Minecraft.
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Fixed Xbox Kid

My previous Minecraft character had a small white dot on their face, but this new version has been corrected and updated.
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Fixing the Dress

I completed the unfinished side of the sleeve on my "Cadenza in dress" skin after realizing it was missing on the original version.
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Bunnix is a wonder

No details provided
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Phoenix's Power

This skin features a powerful character who can bring her mom into the real world with her, as she is a magical being known as a tula.
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TapL's Legs Fixed

I made adjustments to improve the leg proportions on this skin inspired by TapL.
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Fixed Wolf Boy

This skin has been repaired and is now in perfect condition.
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Fixed and Improved

Unidentifiable changes have been made to enhance its appearance.
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Cyber Hypixel

How can you say that this futuristic robot skin isn't stylish?
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leonibnd Remix

Update of the popular leonibnd skin with a fresh new look.
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Mix of Alien

This skin features a blend of alien features, including blue cat ears, a green eye, squid teeth, and a striped shirt reminiscent of a fallen child.
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The Phoenix City

Apologies for the delay in sharing this new skin. Thank you for your patience!
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Clout Jahseh Remixed

I made some adjustments to this skin to improve it, as it was originally created by someone else.
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A Nightmare in Pixels

This skin named Go SubSCIBE TO THEM was designed by How Do U Art on a popular video sharing platform.
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Pixelated Art

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Sonic The Hedgehog Skin Remix

I modified the footwear and handwear of this skin, but I did not design it from scratch.
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Fixed Pegs

This skin has had the issue with its back resolved and is now updated.
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Chocolate Cow Elixir

The adorable cow has been transformed into a sweet chocolatey treat.
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Fixed Catter

Just made some adjustments to this cat-themed skin.
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Watermelon Remix

This skin features a cool watermelon design that has been edited for a fresh look.
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The Phoenix dress

I plan on creating multiple variations of this dress.
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Awesomecrafter21 is a popular online persona known for their video content.
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Chel's 4 Fixes

There is no description available for this skin.
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Wade Nixon from the Dankpods

This skin is a modified version of a previously shared design.
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The Hypixel Downtime

Hello, this is Hi.
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Fixing the star

The star on this skin was previously misaligned, leaving a gap for no apparent reason. The issue has been corrected in this updated version.
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This skin does not have any accompanying description.
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Experience this new skin with the same joy that I will.
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Dream/Sad-ist Fix

Please take a moment to check out the updated version of Dream/Sad-ist skin.
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I made some corrections to the skin.
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The Green Earth Remix

I decided to give a fresh twist to the original skin created by TheGreenEarth.

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