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Ix Minecraft Skins

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A Blossoming Mix

This floral-inspired skin combines elements from three distinct biomes, creating a unique and colorful look that is sure to stand out in any Minecraft world.
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The Legendary Phoenix9000 Skin

Any dedicated content creator should definitely give this skin a try.
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Six Attacks

A Naruto Uzumaki skin in his siege form.
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Phoenix City

Thank you for taking the time to view my skin. I sincerely apologize and hope you like it.
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Overall Mix

The original skin of KateN0tFound has been altered to incorporate a blend of different overalls.
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A charming woodland pixie

Transform into a fierce fighter as you navigate through your quest with this skin.
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The remixed TacoWolfie by Kawaii Chan

I changed the color to green.
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Not everything is to my liking.
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The Phantom of Crixx

I am a formidable presence.
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King Bobes Owl Remix

Stay slim and stylish with this unique owl-themed skin inspired by King Bobes.
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Fixed Maid Tora

This skin has been updated and improved for a better overall look.
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A girl fixes up her outfit

Improved the design of the pants for a more stylish look.
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Pixel Bear

This is my very first attempt at creating artwork in Minecraft. It features a bear reaching for honey on a 20.
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Collaboration with Mixnu

Be sure to click on "show more" to see all the details of this skin!
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A Game Called Fennix

I desire to have this particular skin for my character in the game.
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The remix up n o r t h

I created a new version of the skin, with significant changes and improvements from the original design.
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Festive Acronix

This character is dressed as Santa Claus for the holiday season.
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Fixed swapFell Papyrus

This skin has been repaired and is now ready for you to enjoy. Explore the world of Minecraft with this revamped swapFell Papyrus skin.
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Fixed my mistake

Corrected the error in my design.
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Fixed Hayley Williams Skin

This skin depicts the vocalist of Paramore, Hayley Williams.
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DogTale Sans Remix

Transform into a furry friend as you roleplay as a playful pooch in this fun Minecraft skin.
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RageElixir Skin

No description given for this skin.
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Pixellated Art

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A Person Named Vixella

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An Angel Dust Remix at the Hotel

I made some adjustments to this skin after seeing the original version of it.
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A Game Named Pixul_play

There are multiple videos showcasing this skin.
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The master chief texture fix has been around for 20 years

This skin was created to address a bug found in the original master chief texture.
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The Fix 2 for Black Dwarfs

This skin is designed specifically for black dwarfs to give them a unique and stylish look in the Minecraft world.
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The Power Glove Comes with all six precious gems

Last year, I watched a movie where this particular character stood out to me as my favorite. I will always remember them.
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Fixed TV Head

Decided to solve the issue by making adjustments to the TV head design.
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Fixed Hinata Shoyo Volleyball Uniform

This skin features a color palette inspired by the iconic volleyball uniform of Hinata Shoyo.
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Fixed Nabstaton Skin

Previously had visible pink between the legs, now corrected.
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Origins of the Vixen (female)

I created a top-tier skin that reigns supreme over all others in the Minecraft universe.
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Fixed Feet Rapper

This intimidating rapper skin has been updated to have properly proportioned feet. The bossy creeps rapper character is 3 blocks tall.
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Mixed My Hero

A skin combining elements of Midoria and Todoroki from My Hero Academia.
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Fixed Ford Pines

The Pines were repaired after the fall.
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The Sixth Form of Star Platinum

The javelin was hurled.
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Fixed-Arm Morph Suit

The arms on this morph suit have been repaired and are now functioning properly.
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Pixel Art Bee

Buzzing with creativity!
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Alien Pajama Remix

A skin created by another creator with significant changes, featuring an alien pajama design.

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