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Die Minecraft Skins

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Eddie the Soccer Player

This skin is based on the head from Iron Maiden, who is also a West Ham player in this Minecraft world.
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Amie's Hoodie by Pro Hero Deku

Please remember to credit me if you use this skin, or I will claim credit for it.
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The hoodie-wearing girl inspired by Corpse Husband

This skin was created with credit to the original creator.
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Batman Merchandise Skin

Inspired by the quote "Real heroes never die", this skin is part of the BATman Mad KAT collection.
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Royal Medieval Golden Blonde

I modified the hair and accessories shades from a design by DayzzrSkins.
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Decidueye Hoodie Skin

Why not merge two of my favorite pokemon into one skin?
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A panda boy in a hoodie

Ignore this.
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Dragonite Hoodie

Recently modified and updated with a dragonite-themed design.
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Boy in Hoodie

Character wearing a hooded jacket
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A Medieval Girl

Is this the correct interpretation?
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Tails Hoodie

No description available for this skin.
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Elmo in a Hoodie

It appears that way.
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A Soldier in the Civil War

Feel free to request a custom skin for your character on the server.
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Rwainbow in Hoodie

I will try once more, I just need to calculate it.
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The American Soldier During the Cold War

The M 81 camouflage helmet and LBV buttpack are timeless pieces that never go out of style.
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Female Soldier

The girl's uniform has a peach color roof design on the helmet.
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Hoodie Personalized

This little gremlin may insult your skills, but you can't help but have a blast playing with him.
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A Girl With Pewdiepie Headphones

Featuring blue eyes, pink headphones, and a plaid shirt.
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Lime Green Hoodie with TV Head

I made some slight modifications to my skin for a cleaner appearance.
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The soldiers are prepared for battle

No information provided for this skin
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Lunch Box Buddies

I believe the original design of this skin was inspired by the singer Melanie Martinez, who wrote the song that the skin is based on.
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The Ravenpaw Soldiers

I regret Tigerstar's decision of banishing him.
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PewDiePie's Skin

This skin represents a famous YouTuber with a large following of subscribers.
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A Blondie in a Cozy Jumper

Check out my latest creation: a blonde character sporting a stylish sweater. If you enjoy this skin, make sure to hit that follow button for updates on more designs!
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The patriotic soldier

No description provided for this skin.
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The Ghost Recon Soldier

Join me on my missions and show your support by leaving a like!
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Blue Hoodie

Feel free to browse through my collection of other skins as well.
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A Russian Soldier

This skin features a character holding a Russian flag.
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Exploring the Dragon's Diet in Chapter 3

After encountering dragons in Chapter 3, she pondered what exactly these creatures ate.
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A panda girl in a hoodie

The owner has made some modifications to this skin.
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First stage of the skin with the hood up
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Hoodie Leafeon

This skin is fresh and new.
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Courageous Soldier

Happy and ready for any battle, this trooper skin will help you stand out on the battlefield!
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The Hoodie Merch (Ice Cream) Revision

This skin has been updated with enhancements and fixes.
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Cuddly Soldier

Team up with the adorable Care Bears as they gear up for battle in this whimsical military-themed skin.
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A Cute Hoodie Girl

Yet another transformation.
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The sequel of the squid game soldier

No description provided.
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A Cute Girl in a Hoodie

A girl with a cat wearing jeans and purple shoes.
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A female character named pewdiepie

I updated my Minecraft character's appearance inspired by a different skin design.
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A girl who embodies both fire and water

This skin features a girl who is a unique combination of elements, representing both the fiery passion of fire and the calming fluidity of water.

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