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Cred Minecraft Skins

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A missing girl

Hope you enjoy this skin! Feel free to use it and give credit if you do.
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Next to the Flames

Please do not modify or use this skin without proper credit given to me. Thank you.
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The blazing bonfire

Feel free to use or modify this skin template, just make sure to give credit where it's due. Thank you!
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Fred Jones in a 3D Dimension

Any modifications made to this skin must include proper credit for the original creator's effort.
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A Character Called Clara Oswald

This skin is inspired by Clara Oswald, please do not claim credit for it or I will have to remove it. Clara is one of my favorite characters.
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Buizel Skin

This skin exudes incredible strength and skill.
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Floofy Hair Base

Please do not use or modify this skin without properly crediting me.
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ThePFPs Linked to theDevils

If you choose to use this skin, kindly give credit to me.
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Floral Sprite

Please give credit if you use my design as a starting point.
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Tomorrow's Series Believer

This AU is incredible.
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A Cyborg Identity

This skin features a futuristic cyborg character with incredible details and a cool design. Embrace the future with this awesome Minecraft skin!
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A zombie is salivating

This skin is incredible.
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Fruitful Company

Thank you, please do not redistribute or modify without proper credit.
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The Gentleman in Formal Attire

Please refrain from sharing this skin without proper credit or compensation.
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The Green-Haired Guy

The muscular physique is incredible.
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A Midnight Darkness

This skin is a modified version of an existing character, all credit goes to the original creator. I have made some edits to give it a darker and more mysterious look, perfect for blending into the shadows of the night.
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The battle of the bamboo bear

The credit for this unique panda skin goes to the bamboo bear.
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Base Skin Number Eight

Please make sure to give credit to me in either the title or description of the skin.
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Requested Girl Version

This incredible skin was created by MysticLockSPD in response to a request for a girl version of the original skin. Enjoy the new look!
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The Fear of Eyes

Unauthorized use of skins will result in consequences if proper credit is not given.
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Forest Guardian // S.I.C

Do not modify or use this skin without crediting me.
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Fiery Feminine

Must credit if modified.
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Awesome Youtuber

This incredible individual is a creator on YouTube.
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Minor Alteration

Does not require crediting the original user.
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Minireena v2: Sister Location

This skin gives credit to the person with the hair, embodying the character Minireena from the sister location in Minecraft.
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Amazing Enderman of Greatness

This skin is incredible.
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Call me to life

Please do not repost or use without giving credit.
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Deadpool with Iron Man Fire and Ice Suit

Unable to locate the user of this skin, but giving credit where it's due.
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Pink Waffle Boy

If you want to use or share this skin, please give credit. Thank you.
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Chubby Miner

This skin, inspired by ESP VT's "Coal Miner," gives credit to the original creator.
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Moon River Coordinated Skins

Please do not use or modify this skin without providing credit.
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Golden Freddy by Freddy

This skin was created from scratch and I would like to credit my previous skins that required a lot of time and effort.
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Please give me credit if you decide to use this skin.
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End of the Yellowbrick Road

Do not modify or use this skin without proper payment. Credit card required.
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Improved Kazuichi Soda

Customize this skin as you like, just make sure to give credit for the original design.
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Sad Skin

This skin was found on the and includes a credit in the design.
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Dancing in the rain

I have companions in sacred places.
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The girl in a cozy sweater

If you don't give me credit or profit from my creation, I will take appropriate action. Thank you.
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Redstone-powered Robot

This powerful robot is equipped with the ability to fly and shoot redstone-powered lasers, all thanks to the incredible capabilities of redstone technology.
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Commander Wonder

Empowered with incredible strength and the ability to fly, this hero will do whatever it takes to protect the world from evil forces.
