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Create Minecraft Skins

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Random Contest

Created on June 30, 2020.
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The Dressed Fursona

Despite being instructed to create a clothed version, I ended up making both a clothed and unclothed version of the fursona skin.
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Clout Glasses Hoodie

This skin features a hoodie with clout glasses, with the base design originally created by Mrbookdook.
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Mauritzcool-inspired Skin

This skin was created based on the style and work of mauritzcool.
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Assassin's Debut

This skin was created using inspiration from Skindex and other skins on the platform. It marks my first attempt at creating a unique character for Minecraft.
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My newly-created social media account is known as the PCE. Come take a look at it.
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Attacking Agent 3

After patiently waiting, I finally created a skin inspired by Agent 3. Gear up for battle!
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The Compass Guy

I created a new character inspired by a compass.
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A Disgusting Character

Originally created on Planet Minecraft by a user who is unsure why they even created an account.
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A Siren's Call

This unique skin features original hair design created by the artist themselves, making it a one-of-a-kind creation.
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Vegito's Fusion

Regardless of your opinions on the color of the Potara earrings or Goku and Vegeta's fusion, this skin combines elements of both black and green to create a unique look. Whether you prefer one color over the other or like them both equally, this skin offers a fresh take on the classic character.
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This skin is inspired by Golden Freddy, also known as Fredbear, and was created as a gift for my partner.
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Mija's Affection

This skin was created with love for Mija.
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Buzzie created this skin inspired by the character Ballora.
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Female Eyeless Jack

This skin features a female version of Eyeless Jack, with custom hair created using a template. Enjoy!
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Mystery Duo Couture

Marinette created this skin inspired by two characters from a popular show, concealing her true identity in the process.
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Remade Ruby Equestrian Split Dye

This recreated skin features a blend of pink and blue split dye, inspired by Ruby Equestrian's original design.
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Happy Birthday Plumedepaon, 100 Followers!

This skin was created as a special birthday present for Plumdepaon to celebrate reaching 100 followers.
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A Sparkling Gardevoir

This skin was not created by me.
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Blue Diamond Love

This skin was inspired by a blue diamond, created with love and appreciation for its beauty.
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Girl Devil SaffronWilliams Edit

This skin is a devil version of a girl character created by saffronwilliams. I modified the original skin to make this unique design. All credit goes to saffronwilliams for the base skin.
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A tearful child

This skin was created entirely by me.
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The Armless Predator

This skin was originally created by someone else, but I have made some edits to it. It features a predator character without arms.
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Monica's Second Attempt

After spending 2 hours on the first one, Monica decided to create a new skin.
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The Hunter

This skin was created by Kenek0 and is named "The Huntress.
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The Fear A Dubh

This was the initial skin design that I created.
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Perfecting the Ender Boy Skin

I continuously played and fixed this skin multiple times, discovering new flaws each time. The process was so extensive that I wouldn't be surprised if I was banned for spamming edits. Despite the challenges, I was determined to create the perfect Ender Boy skin.
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A Little Wanderer in the Woods

I initially intended to create a bunny-themed skin, but it ended up embodying the essence of the forest instead.
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Mountain Peak

This skin required a lot of time and effort to create.
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Starfire vs Teen Titans

My next skin project is to create a design inspired by the character Starfire from Teen Titans. Stay tuned for updates!
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Fox Onesie Skin

This skin was created based on a request from another player. It features a cozy fox onesie design.
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Tommy Version 3

Created my own version because I feel like many changes are too obvious.
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The Pokemon Orange Minior

I attempted to create a skin resembling a minior in the color orange.
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Reality Check

This skin was inspired by Nikuchan's rc and her specific request for me to create it.
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This skin was created for EleanorRose's tournament entry.
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Endless Waves

This skin features a unique pattern of repeating L's that create a wave-like effect. Perfect for surfers or those who love the ocean!
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Fresh New Look

I wanted to give him a revamped appearance, even though I didn't create the original skin.
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Shimmering Twilight

This skin features a beautiful blend of blue and purple hues that create a shimmering effect reminiscent of a twilight sky.
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Sleepy Girl

This skin was created during a late night when sleep eluded me.
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Soft Panda Samgladiator

I created a new skin of Samgladiator as a panda, this time dressed in a men's suit.
