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Armor Minecraft Skins

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Loki's Helmet

This skin features a helmet inspired by the mischievous Norse god, Loki. The helmet is intricately designed with horns and intricate detailing, perfect for any player looking to add a touch of mischief to their Minecraft world.
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Enderian 2

This skin is not described
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Wesley the Deadric Warrior

This skin features a powerful deadric warrior named Wesley, ready for battle in the world of Minecraft.
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The Golden Knight

This knight skin was requested by Termxnus.
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Future Law Enforcement

Officers from planet Earth's futuristic police force.
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Orange and White Guard

This skin depicts a guard character with a color scheme of orange and white.
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Updated SW-G0 Gundam Omega Zero Skin

This skin is a unique design inspired by the SW-G0 Gundam Omega Zero.
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The Skin of the Individual

I am not a human!" -Eowyn.
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Mischievous Deceiver

You'll fool others into thinking you've struck it rich with a diamond.
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Herobrine Diamond

This skin features Herobrine in a diamond-themed outfit, combining the legendary character with the rare and valuable diamond material.
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Zombie with Protective Gear

I succumbed to a cold while creating this skin.
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Updated SW-G0 Gundam Alpha Zero Skin

This skin can now be found on PlanetMinecraft for those interested in downloading it.
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The Vampire Princess Link

This skin may have been inspired by a wolf, as there is still some hair visible on it.
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The Universe's Protector

Finding empowering space-themed girl skins can be a challenge, but this skin breaks the mold as the savior of the universe.
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Underwater Explorer

Unleash your inner fish with this skin! Turn off your hat customization to reveal what's beneath the mask.
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Orc Eye Color Variant

Modified the eye color of the orc character skin.
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The Galactic Defender

Feel free to customize and modify this space-themed skin to your liking!
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The Cyber Knight

A dark and futuristic knight, ready to battle in the cyber realm.
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Enchanted Brute

This fearsome warrior was once the king's enemy, but everything changed when he stumbled upon the accursed silver. Now, he is bound by dark magic and more powerful than ever.
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Jin Sakai from Ghost of Tsushima

This is my first time wearing a skin from Ghost of Tsushima. It features Jin Sakai, the protagonist of the game.
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Descendant of Arathorn: Aragorn's Legacy

I crafted this skin of Aragorn to capture his essence accurately, as I couldn't find one that did justice to his character.
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Zombified Brute

I have created this skin for an animation studio where I am assisting with character designs.
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Shell-Backed Notion

I created a unique character design for this skin, inspired by the idea of shulkers.
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Kayn from League of Legends

I have yet to find a Kayn skin in League of Legends that I truly enjoy.
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Paladin Danse Skin

This skin is inspired by the character Paladin Danse from the game.
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Top Tier Security

This skin depicts a highly skilled guard, ready to protect and serve with excellence. The attention to detail and sharp features make this skin stand out as the best of the best.
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The original skin was a knight

How did it turn out?
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Imagine if Link was a female

Creating a female version of Link from the Legend of Zelda series
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Roman Legatus

This skin was originally created by mischeif1947.
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Illusions and Deceptions

Unveil the true colors hidden beneath the surface with this mysterious skin. Discover the unexpected and defy expectations. Embrace the unknown and leave others guessing.
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Authority Attire

Equip yourself with gear to build and conquer.
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Steel-Clad Feline

Steel-Clad Feline's origins remain a mystery.
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M.S.S - Over The Kingdom Wall

Please do not use or modify this skin without providing proper credit to the creator.
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The Diamondbringer

This skin is inspired by the iconic "Lawbringer" gear from the game World of Warcraft.
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Witch Hunter

Unknown origins, mysterious demeanor. Unleash your inner hunter with this skin.
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Updated Ledo Skin from Suisei no Gargantia

Initially pleased with the original design, I made adjustments to the front of the skin over two days to create a more accurate and satisfying second version.
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The suit is named the Orion suit

Have fun!
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Wolfie in Battle

Wolfie served as a battlefield medic during the war.
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A Purple Makeover

The original skin has been transformed with a vibrant purple color scheme.
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Jesse the Protector

Known for their exceptional defense skills, Jesse is an impenetrable force against any oncoming threats.

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