The Neru (Kerayo Naruko Herushingu/Neru the Four-Tailed Vampire/Kyūbi-Draculina/69th)
Kerayo "The Neru" Naruko Herushingu, also known as "The Neru", "Neru-Xorianne 69", "Neru the Lady Four-Tailed Fox-Vampire", "Neru the Lady 4-Tailed Fox-Vampire Girl", and many more aliases. She is a scary and mysterious female monster inspired by Naruto's four-tailed Version 2 form and Alucard from "Hellsing". The skin features razor-sharp teeth, evil laughter, and a demeanor similar to Alucard. She is an anti-villainous four-tailed fox-demon girl with the appearance of Naruto in four-tailed Version 2 form, wearing Alucard's topcoat and glasses. This skin portrays her as a strong vampire girl from a demonic alien race, evilly-smiling and evilly-laughing as she roams the mysterious dark monstrous supernatural otherworldly universe.